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I'm so happy you have found my sweet corner of the internet. Let's have some fun! As a busy Mom of 3, I'm here to help you find the simplicity in cooking. I've already developed easy dinners, side dishes, breakfasts and desserts for you so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Use my recipes to feed your family!

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

B.L.T. Snack Wraps

I love me some bacon.

This here is turkey bacon, but I don't judge, I enjoy all types and kinds.  As a side with eggs, a topper on a sandwich, nestled in a creamy sauce in pasta, whatever it is, I'm game.

This past weekend I wanted a B.L.T.  You know, my favorite summer sandwich.  I opened up the fridge and saw tortillas.

Ding, ding!

Why not make a B.L.T. wrap?

The angels started singing and for the next three days I ate this for lunch.  I probably would have eaten it for dinner as well, but in the fear of my arteries closing I decided to stretch each wrap out in 12 hour intervals.

You know, time to un-clog.

These would also be great prepared ahead of time, wrapped in plastic wrap and taken as a lunch.  Or in the car if you are a busy mom with kids going every which way.  That is if your kids like bacon.

B.L.T. Snack Wraps
*makes 6 wraps
6 slices of bacon, drained, cooked and cut into pieces
1 tomato, finely diced
shredded lettuce
flour tortillas
ranch dressing

To assemble: On the tortilla spread some ranch dressing.  Top with lettuce, tomato and bacon.  Wrap up and eat!

People...I can't even look at these pictures.  I'm kicking myself I didn't make one up this morning for my lunch later today.  Clearly, I'm not as prepared as people think I am.

By the way, thanks for all your positive comments on my last post.  If anything, I hope it gives you hope!

And if you are following my Facebook page you would have noticed that yesterday I announced my Grilled Summer Party Bread made it to the next round in the Saucy Mama Sliced Contest.  By next Monday I need to come up with an entree dish that includes their mustard and BEANS.

I have an idea.....I'm working on it.

And are you following me on Instagram yet?  I'm loving that app.  So fun.  Have a great hump day!

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  1. Great idea, I love BLT's and this would be a great work lunch.

  2. Steph@Been There Baked ThatJune 19, 2013 at 9:08 AM

    Love this idea, I need to remember this for when we have softball games! My girls don't always eat their main dishes very well, they'd rather eat the veggies and fruit (I'm not complaining!) but they do like bacon quite well...I can see these going over very well :)

  3. Jolene (www.everydayfoodie.ca)June 19, 2013 at 6:26 PM

    Did somebody say bacon!? Pretty pictures!

  4. sometimes when bacons around I feel like that dog in the commercial about the beggin strips. We love bacon any kind at our house too. LOL
