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I'm so happy you have found my sweet corner of the internet. Let's have some fun! As a busy Mom of 3, I'm here to help you find the simplicity in cooking. I've already developed easy dinners, side dishes, breakfasts and desserts for you so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Use my recipes to feed your family!

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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

Who doesn't love a good cinnamon roll?  Put it in pancake form and even better!

cinnamon roll pancakes (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

Somehow when we came home from vacation a few weeks back a 10 lb. partial bag of pancake mix came home with us.  We used some of it on vacation, but 10 lbs?  Needless to say there was a lot left. I've gotten a bit creative using up this darn mix.

I've frozen two batches.

We had blueberry pancakes twice.

And then these cinnamon roll pancakes were created this week.

Thank god my kids love pancakes.

cinnamon roll pancakes (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

Now, I've made these twice.  Once with that annoying, huge, obnoxious bag mix and once with my standard homemade version.  Both turned out the same.  GREAT!

My kids asked me what the occasion was the other morning when I made these {as I slowly drizzled warm frosting like syrup over them instead of the our usual peanut butter or maple syrup}.  There really wasn't an occasion, other than school starting and me just feeling like doing something different, something a bit out of our norm.

They loved it!

I thought of putting sprinkles in them too, but between the chaos of pancakes, a dog who wasn't listening and a 15 month screaming for food, it didn't happen.

Maybe next time.

cinnamon roll pancakes (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

This batter is infused with cinnamon and nutmeg and will make your house smell like a bakery.  And when you heat them up the next day in the microwave?  The same thing.  I wanted to bottle it up and put it in a candle, it smelled so good.

Make these for your kids!

Or just for yourself {I won't tell a soul}

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

Boxed pancake mix OR my homemade version
1 T. cinnamon
1 t. nutmeg

2 c. powdered sugar
1 T. almond extract
1 t. cinnamon
1/2 t. nutmeg
1 T. milk {with additional, 1 T. at a time until frosting is thin enough}

1.  Mix together pancake mix according to directions or use my homemade version.  When batter is mixed, add in the cinnamon and nutmeg.  Cook accordingly.
2.  In a bowl combine powdered sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg.  Add in almond extract and 1 T. of milk and stir.  Continue to add milk 1 tablespoon at a time until the frosting is very thin and of syrup consistency.
3.  Serve syrup warm over the hot pancakes.

cinnamon roll pancakes (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

Have you my lovely readers been following me on Instagram?  I went to a church hog roast yesterday with the kids and I had multiple people chat with me about my blog and more than one said, "I love following your Instagram feed!  You give us so much more than recipes - a bit behind the scenes."

I love that!  That is exactly what Instagram is.  You'll see my messy kitchen, a LOT of my kids, my friends and more of what I'm drinking and eating.

Follow me HERE!

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