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I'm so happy you have found my sweet corner of the internet. Let's have some fun! As a busy Mom of 3, I'm here to help you find the simplicity in cooking. I've already developed easy dinners, side dishes, breakfasts and desserts for you so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Use my recipes to feed your family!

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

A dippy kind of day...

So, most days my husband would be going to work, but since the state has asked employees to take 5 furlough days before the end of the next fiscal year, he picked today as one of them and is at home with me and the munchkin. First off, can someone tell me why a baby always takes better naps when both parents are home? Can't quite figure that one out.

Since it's not a really exciting day at our house, our food has fallen in that same category it seems. "Dippies" were requested for breakfast. To all of you out there that don't live in our house, that is simply an over-easy egg with toast. They could quite possibly be the most recommended egg in our house. I guess its something about that runny egg yolk being sopped up with buttered toast that everyone loves. I case you're wondering....I opted for Rice Chex.

And for those of you that care, dinner will be MUCH less exciting.....as my annual bi-weekly shopping trip is tomorrow, and we need to stock up! I'm hoping I come back with some good finds and some good deals.

Oh, I almost forgot! I plan on taking a side trip in a few days to visit The New Pioneer Food Co-op in Coralville, IA. I have driven by it before and never really knew what it was, but I came across their website yesterday and fell in love! Check it out - http://www.newpi.com/. They specialize in everything natural, organic and homemade. From baked goods, coffee, wine, cheese, deli meats, seafood.....you name it, it seems they have it. I'll be sure to post my findings when I get back!

Has anyone been there?

Would you like to comment?

  1. The "dippy" eggs look good! Since we have almost zero time in the morning for such an extravagent breakfast, we will have to have these some night when Darin is gone. He hates breakfast for dinner! I know, how ridiculous is that but it is Darin..........

  2. This is the best way to eat a fried egg....crispy toast with just butter and dip it in the runny yoke....yum. Did your husband learn this from his family? I remember his grandpa likeing eggs this way.

  3. I LOVE New Pi! The bakery is full of evil delicious things, and they have so much beautiful organic food. Beware - if you're not a member they jack up the prices.

  4. Nicky....I've heard people don't like breakfast for dinner! They are truly missing out!

    And Susie - yes, the "dippy" name came from you guys...my family never called them that! But I guess the name fits right?

    Okay Erin - glad you like that store...I'm going to check it out on Monday when I head to IC...I've been thinking about getting a membership there, you think it'd be worth it?

  5. I LOVE New Pi! The bakery is full of evil delicious things, and they have so much beautiful organic food. Beware - if you're not a member they jack up the prices.

  6. This is the best way to eat a fried egg....crispy toast with just butter and dip it in the runny yoke....yum. Did your husband learn this from his family? I remember his grandpa likeing eggs this way.

  7. The "dippy" eggs look good! Since we have almost zero time in the morning for such an extravagent breakfast, we will have to have these some night when Darin is gone. He hates breakfast for dinner! I know, how ridiculous is that but it is Darin..........
