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Monday, March 1, 2010

Honey Mustard Chicken with Rice

Hello friends and happy Monday!

Yesterday was a filled day, so I thought for sure little man would let us sleep in. Not so fast! He started jabbering around 5:15 a.m. About every 15 minutes I walked into his room, gave him his pacifier, and relished in the silence.

Until, it would start again.

Finally at 6:00 a.m. I gave up. So up we were and our day started. How can you get mad at such a happy baby?

First off, I linked up my Ranch Mac on Laura's site this morning. It is for her Meatless Monday Challenge! Now, if your house is like mine, I can't get away with too many meatless meals, as the hubby would probably just curl up in the fetal position and start crying. But, I did get away with my Ranch Mac a couple of weeks ago. What can I say...it's a start.

Need a meatless meal? Check out her blog!

Have I mentioned that I LOVE my crock pot/slow cooker? What do you call it? I tend to say crock pot more often than not....

This meal is done with the crock pot in mind. So simple and easy!

Honey Mustard Chicken with Rice
3-4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/2 bottle Newman's Own Light Honey Mustard Dressing
2 T. horseradish mustard (or mustard of your liking)
brown rice

Pour half the dressing in bottom of a sprayed crock pot. Sprinkle chicken breasts with salt and pepper and place in the dressing. Top with remaining dressing and mustard. Cook on low for 5-6 hours or until chicken is fork tender. Serve along side brown rice (I add about 1/4 c. honey mustard dressing to the cooking water for the rice - gives it a ton of flavor!) Just remember to reduce the water by 1/4 cup, so the rice doesn't get too soupy.

If you don't like mustard, then this dish isn't for you, because it definitely has that mustardy tang!

Would you like to comment?

  1. The crockpot has got to be one of the best inventions ever. He's all about honey mustard. Mmm, my hubby would love this! In fact, I never even tasted honey mustard until I met him.

  2. Mmm this looks so creamy and yummy! I haven't had much luck w/ chicken breasts in the slow cooker. I never like the texture of them. And I think I call it slow cooker more often than not. It's one of those brand-name things like calling all tissues kleenex. hehe

  3. Crock pots are the ultimate for me! I mean putting food in and walking away is so perfect with little kids because you never know whats going to pop up at dinner time! Thanks for linking in your ranch mac and cheese!

  4. I ADORE mustard so this looks like just the dish for me! Thanks for sharing :).

  5. looks really good. i love honey mustard so i will have to try this.

