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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Asparagus Stuffed Chicken

Tis the season for asparagus.  It's that time of year when it is in abundance.  Funny thing is I never grew up eating asparagus.  Like, never.  I asked my mom awhile back why and she said it was because my dad grew up on a farm and they had an asparagus patch.  Guess what they ate EVERYDAY.  And guess what he can no longer stand still this day?


Therefore my mom never made it.

Thankfully I didn't have to eat it everyday growing up, so I enjoy it.  We mainly eat it roasted in the oven with some garlic and olive oil, but I thought I'd give it a new spin with this dish.  Veggie and protein all rolled up into one.

Asparagus Stuffed Chicken
boneless, skinless chicken breasts
cheese of choice (I used mozzarella)
salt, pepper, another seasoning of choice (I used Lawry's)

Slice chicken breast in half, season, stuff with asparagus and cheese, secure with toothpicks, place on rack on top of baking sheet, bake at 375 degrees for 40 minutes or until juices run clear.

Final result - juicy chicken oozing with cheese and crisp asparagus!  Served on a bed or brown rice.

And to leave you with the latest pics of the kiddos.  Little miss is growing so much and her big brother could not be more into her.  We do have issues with the pacifier being "shoved" into her mouth constantly and the bottle being taken from her, but all in all he loves her to death and immediately runs into the house to say hi when he gets home everyday.

Cannot believe she'll be 2 months old on Friday!  We are heading to my parents house for a few days of relaxation, and to give the rents a chance to babysit while I visit friends and old co-workers for a much needed catch-up of gossip and good food!
Happy baby girl!

See that pacifier in his hand?  It about to be shoved in her mouth!

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  1. 2 months, already! wow.

    THis is so pretty, love the asparagus peaking out.

  2. Mmm I LOVE asparagus! Definitely trying this one soon...maybe with goat cheese??

  3. Love it

    btw, bird nest (http://www.geocities.jp/hongkong_bird_nest/index_e.htm) is made up of about 58% soluable proteins...the highest amoung all food and even synetic protein powders

    it greatly increase tissue regeneration.

  4. I love asparagus, but I have never had it in such an interesting recipe!! I need to definitely experiment more with it. I have only ever had it by itself, and once in risotto - which is really good.

  5. My husband would love that chicken. I'll have to try it... Your little ones are adorable. Seriously, they really do grow up too fast. It feels like I just had my 7 month old and he's almost crawling. Once they start sitting up and crawling they might as well go to college haha! :)

  6. She's beautiful! And your chicken looks excellent - I just started eating asparagus this year!

  7. I have asparagus issues too, but you make it look pretty appealing :) What sweet babies!

  8. I really love the health benefits of asparagus. You should always include it in your diet. Thanks for sharing.

    Vitamins Canada

  9. Love it

    btw, bird nest (http://www.geocities.jp/hongkong_bird_nest/index_e.htm) is made up of about 58% soluable proteins...the highest amoung all food and even synetic protein powders

    it greatly increase tissue regeneration.

  10. My husband would love that chicken. I'll have to try it... Your little ones are adorable. Seriously, they really do grow up too fast. It feels like I just had my 7 month old and he's almost crawling. Once they start sitting up and crawling they might as well go to college haha! :)

  11. I love asparagus, but I have never had it in such an interesting recipe!! I need to definitely experiment more with it. I have only ever had it by itself, and once in risotto - which is really good.
