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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Michael Pollan: Food Rules, Book Giveaway

I first read Michael Pollan's book Food Rules last summer after he appeared on Oprah, and after I watched the documentary Food, Inc. on public television.  Both opened my eyes to what my family is eating and/or not eating.

I did a little shopping at Barnes & Noble yesterday and picked up these two copies.  Yes, I've already read Food Rules, but I have yet to read In Defense of Food.  Reading about where our food comes from along with what food we are eating that really isn't "food", just fascinates me.

I'm a dork.

But, hey, at least I'm knowledgeable about our food system.

This book is an easy, quick read that is short, simple and to the point.  Here are a few "rules" he gives out:

"Don't eat anything your grandmother wouldn't recognize as food"

"Don't eat anything with more than 5 ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce"

"Don't buy food where you buy your gasoline"

"Eat meals together, at normal times"

Who wants a chance to win a copy of Food Rules?  I am not being sponsored by Pollan, nor the publisher, I am just being generous.

Each comment, will be a separate entry:
*U.S. residents only*
  • Tell me your favorite 'food rule'.
  • Follow Ally's Sweet & Savory Eats on Facebook.
  • Follow Ally's Sweet & Savory Eats on Twitter.
  • Follow me on Pinterest.
I will choose a random winner on Sunday, April 8th.  Think of this as my Easter gift to you!

Would you like to comment?

  1. Food rules at our house: 1) eat as many meals together as a family as we can (we normally do eat 5-6 meals together each week). 2) Make our own baby food versus buying the jarred baby food. 3) eat as many fruits and veggies in a day that we can 4) water, water, water!

  2. My "food rule" is to eat more fresh veggies and protien rather than other starchy sides!

  3. I Follow Ally's Sweet & Savory Eats on Twitter as @tcrowley122

  4. I follow you on pinterest as tcrowley122

  5. My favorite food rule is to follow the dirty dozen when it comes to buying organic food. I can't afford to do it all - so it's nice to have a list of what I should prioritize.

  6. Healthy can be tasty, you just have to be willing to try!

  7. #1 rule eat your veggies first then the treat...some days its the other way around :)

  8. #1 rule eat your veggies first then the treat...some days its the other way around :)

  9. My food rule is "Never argue with the cook."

  10. And follow on Twitter @tiffanynico

  11. And even though generic, I would say my favorite food rule would be getting the recommended amounts of veggies and fruits in in a day. I can feel such a difference when I eat less than more.

  12. Thanks, Michael Pollan you give us new knowledge about Food Rules. That book would make us conscious with food rules.


  13. Thanks, Michael Pollan you give us new knowledge about Food Rules. That book would make us conscious with food rules.


  14. My favorite food rule ever - "I cook, you clean."

    Really though, we try to make every meal at home, from scratch. Sure it is a little work, but we can make sure to our meals are very balanced and delicious!

  15. My favorite food rule is to eat dinner everyday as a family.

  16. My food rule...Keep an open mind and try at least one bite.

  17. Big food rule for me is minimum to no preservatives and eating together as a family.

  18. My Favorite Food Rule- Don't eat anything that treats your body like a garbage can.

  19. Following on Facebook,Twitter and Pinterest...favorite food rule: eat as close to the original state of the food as possible. In other words, very few preservatives and/or additives!

  20. Healthy can be tasty, you just have to be willing to try!

  21. The past area is shutting the sale. By utilizing adjectives generally present in evaluations it could indicate the benefits of examining your book.

  22. The First Three Rules for Healthy Eating
    Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.
    Don't eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce.
    Stay out of the middle of the supermarket; shop on the perimeter of the store


  23. It seems like you're interested in a book giveaway related to "Food Rules." "Food Rules" is a book written by Michael Pollen , known for his straightforward and practical guidelines for healthy eating . If you're looking to organize a giveaway for this book, here are some steps you might consider:
    Set Clear Objectives:
    Clearly define the goals of your giveaway. Is it to promote healthy eating habits, share knowledge about nutrition, or simply to engage with your audience?
    Choose a Platform:
    Decide where you want to host the giveaway. Common platforms include social media (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook), a blog, or even an email newsletter.
    Create Entry Rules:
    Determine how participants can enter the giveaway. This could involve following your social media accounts, sharing a post, subscribing to your newsletter, or answering a question related to the book.
    Promote the Giveaway:
    Spread the word about the giveaway through your chosen platform(s). Use relevant hashtags, share visually appealing images or graphics, and consider collaborating with influencers or other accounts to increase visibility.
    Duration and Deadline:
    Set a clear start and end date for the giveaway. This creates a sense of urgency and helps manage expectations.
    Selecting a Winner:
    Decide on a fair and transparent method for choosing the winner. This could involve using a random generator for entries or judging based on creativity or relevance.
    Announce the Winner:
    Once the giveaway ends, promptly announce the winner. This helps build trust with your audience.
    Coordinate Prize Delivery:
    Work out the logistics for delivering the book to the winner. Make sure to communicate with them promptly to gather necessary information, such as their shipping address.
    Follow Up:
    Consider following up the giveaway with related content or discussions. This keeps the engagement going and adds value to your audience.

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