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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

O'Henry Bars

We were home ALL weekend.  Like, the whole weekend.  I don't think I left the house.  At all.  Seriously.  When I loaded up the kids this morning in their car seats, I actually thought to myself, when is the last time I drove my car?
Last Thursday, going to work?  The husband went to the store for me on Saturday, yesterday with the holiday, everything was closed, yep, it must have been last Thursday.
Crazy.  But kinda neat too.  You should try it sometime.

You know what saves me from going crazy?  Cooking and baking.  I want to relax while both kids are down for their nap, but I always have the itch to get in the kitchen.  It's a slight problem I have.  Not relaxing.  I seemed to do it well before kids, but after kids, its hard for me to sit down until everything is put away, dinner is prepped and laundry is at least started.

So one day over this past weekend {I can't remember when, remember I didn't leave the house, the days all ran together}I made these bars.
People, these are delicious!   And so simple.  I was flipping through a local Bunco cookbook I got last year and saw these {which reminds me, I haven't played Bunco in forever}......I knew I had to make them.
We can't help it.  We are a family that needs one sweet treat in our house at all times.  We allow ourselves a piece after dinner and aren't ashamed of doing this.  These came together so quickly and were so good, I promptly texted a neighbor and told her I was baking and I'd be delivering a plate of goodies in the next 20 minutes.
So, yes, I did leave the house once.  But we walked, so that doesn't count.  Funny thing is, she didn't get my text, so I delivered them anyway, showing up at her door like she should be expecting me, only to get back home and then get a text saying "Ha!  Just got your text.  LOL".  She probably wondered why I just randomly showed up at her door with treats.
Not that she complained.
Enough rambling.  Here's the recipe.
O'Henry Bars

4 c. oatmeal
1 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. white sugar
1 stick unsalted butter, softened
4 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 c. peanut butter
1 c. chocolate chips

Grease an 8x8 baking pan and preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix together softened cream cheese, butter, oats and sugars.  Press into the bottom of the pan.  Bake for 12 minutes.  Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.

In the microwave or on low heat over the stove top, melt together peanut butter and chocolate chips.  Spread evenly over the crust.  Allow to cool, store in the fridge to set.

So on to another topic.  Books!  I finished Emily & Einstein awhile back and I think I will give it 3.5 stars.  Pretty darn good, but not the greatest book I've ever read.  But, at the same time, made me want to keep reading.

I would recommend it.

I just finished Heart of the Matter and liked it, but was unhappy with the ending.  I always, ALWAYS want the lovebirds to get together in the end.  It didn't happen.  But still a good book.

Tonight I'm heading to the library to look for the following:
I hope they have at least one of them.  Have you read any of them???

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  1. Oh I love this! Pinning!

  2. Good thing I just ate lunch, because if I was hungry I would have to make these NOW! They sounds amazing!

  3. Steph@Been There Baked ThatNovember 13, 2012 at 4:21 PM

    Sounds like a great weekend. You'll love Dinner: A Love Story. I put Happiness Project on reserve at our library, anxiously waiting to start that.

  4. Jolene (www.everydayfoodie.ca)November 13, 2012 at 6:22 PM

    Nope, haven't read any of them, but I really want to read The Happiness Project. I haven't been reading much lately, which so isn't like me.

  5. You had me at one stick of butter! Yum!
