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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

All-Purpose Rub for Meat & Veggies

I asked for foodie ideas on my Facebook page a couple of days ago and my friend Shawna requested a "rub" that can be used on everything - chicken, ribs, potatoes, veggies, etc.  Genius, girl!  In the almost 5 year history of this blog I have never shared the simple rub I often put together to season our meats and veggies.
Here you go folks!
Now, rubs can be much more complicated.  You can add as many spices as you like, but lets be honest we don't always have a ton of quality spices in our cupboard.  And, in case you didn't know, spices get old.  Some suggest replacing them every 6 months.
I don't.  Because well I now have 3 kids and that last thing on my mind is replacing my spices.  But I would suggest, at least once a year, especially if you think they are losing their flavor.
These five spices are the ones I always have on hand and that together make a great combination.  I usually makes this in small batches, so that it will stay fresh.  I used to fret over how much salt to add versus garlic powder and vice versa, but found out that by using the same quantities in a small batch works pretty well.
Therefore now, my batch consists of 3 teaspoons of each spice.  When mixed together each spice stands out, yet doesn't over power another.  I keep it in an old baby food jar with a tight lid and this has become our all-purpose spice!  
Yesterday I texted the husband and told him on his way home to pick up a couple of steaks for dinner.  I'm sure he stopped dead in his tracks, as I rarely, if ever request steak for dinner.  I like it, just don't crave it often, you know?
He brought home two nice sirloins and I proceeded to rub them down on each side.  I also let them sit on the counter to take the chill out before grilling them.  Let those flavors soak in!
I also cleaned and trimmed a healthy bunch of asparagus, defrosted some local bacon and proceeded to make our favorite bacon asparagus bundles.  So good!  And as you can see, I sprinkled them liberally with this rub as well.
By putting these bundles on a grilling rack {you can purchase your own HERE for just $8.47}, it allows the bacon to get crispy on the grill, yet not completely char the asparagus.  This is by far one of our favorite sides to grill in the summer. 
I've also been know to wrap these in prosciutto.  Yum!
Okay, now get out an old jar and make some rub!

All-Purpose Rub for Meat & Veggies

Print this Recipe!

3 t. smoked paprika
3 t. garlic powder
3 t. onion powder
3 t. salt
3 t. pepper

1.  Combine all spices in a jar and shake to combine.
2.  Use to rub on meats and veggies.
3.  Store in an air tight jar or container to stay fresh for up to 6 months.

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