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Monday, October 6, 2014

Beef & Potato Burritos

How was everyone's weekend?
I was home with the kids while the husband and his friend's played, but I still managed to get quite a bit done.  You see, every Fall, the husband and some of his buddies spend all weekend duck hunting.  Yes, we hunt duck around these parts!
But what is crazy is that first night they go out around midnight and SLEEP IN THE BOAT so they are all ready to go by sunrise.  Super, super crazy if you ask me.  Every year they come home the next day and complain, sulk and swear they won't do it next year, but every year THEY DO IT AGAIN.
Of course this year it was the coldest weekend we've had yet {I even woke up to snowflakes on Saturday}.  They froze their butts off and didn't have a great hunt that first day but came back with some fun stories.
What I do during these weekend might not sound like fun to most, but I basically cook and bake up a storm to keep their bellies full.  Friday night I made these sassy tailgate sandwiches and that night I always threw together some breakfast burritos for them to take on the boat.  Then Saturday {when they ALL napped} I made chili and this homemade cornbread bread.  Finally Sunday morning before they left they snacked on my homemade pumpkin cinnamon rolls.  Whew!
Okay, I've gotten a bit off track....let's talk these burritos!
I had two packages of good tortillas in the fridge last week and instead of our usual tacos, I thought I'd tackle some burritos.
What makes these so good is that your fry the potatoes prior to assembling.  Yes, I said "fry the potatoes".
I normally do not fry anything.  I don't even own a deep fryer, but a little oil in a pan on the stove works just the same.  It gets these potatoes nice and crispy and I swear reminds you of a fast food burritos when you bite into them.
This batch makes 15 burritos.  Our kids loved them and well, as you can probably imagine, the husband shoveled down more than he probably should have.  I had planned on freezing half the batch, but then got lazy and decided to just eat them for two dinners in a row.
Put these on your meal plan today!

And in case you want to "see" what duck hunting looks like, here is a photo of the husband {he does exist!} and his friend's dog.

Later today we are attempting a jalapeno cream cheese and duck stuffed bacon bite.  I have never eaten duck before, but I am willing to try it.....we'll see how it goes.

And before I give you this burrito recipe, on another note, I am working on a non-food related post to talk about a few emails I've received during the year.  You know from random readers wondering how I keep such a "perfect" life.


After receiving another one last week, I finally thought I should address it.  My life is far from perfect and although it looks it on social media, it's not.  So stay tuned for a post on that.

Beef & Potato Burritos

Print this Recipe!

2 lbs. ground beef
1 bottle taco sauce
1 t. paprika
1 t. garlic powder
1 t. pepper
1 t. onion powder
3 potatoes, peeled and diced
shredded cheddar cheese
15 flour tortillas
2 c. oil, for frying
15 pieces of foil

1.  In a large skillet brown the ground beef.  Drain off the grease and add in taco sauce, paprika, garlic powder, pepper and onion powder.  Set aside.
2.  In a another skillet or sauce pan heat oil to medium-high heat.  When hot, fry diced potatoes in batches.  Fry for 3-5 minutes, stirring frequently, until browned.
3.  Drain potatoes on a clean cloth or paper towel, salting when still hot.
4.  To assemble burritos lay a tortilla on a piece of foil.  Layer ground beef, potatoes and shredded cheese.  Fold in the sides of the tortilla and roll up in the foil.
5.  When ready to eat, lay foil wrapped burritos on a baking sheet in the oven heating to warm {350 degrees for 20 minutes}.

These will also keep in the fridge for a few days, if you want to make ahead or simply have some on hand for lunches during the week.  They can also be frozen in the foil and kept in the fridge for up to 6 months.

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  1. Jamie | Jamie's RecipesOctober 6, 2014 at 8:05 PM

    What a great way to bulk up the burrito and stretch the meat a little farther.

  2. What size bottle of taco sauce? Do you have a favorite brand? Thanks.

  3. 16 oz. Honestly I use whatever kind is on sale!

  4. 16oz- wow. Are you using salsa or taco sauce? Because we have a bottle of Taco bell hot sauce and it is only 7.5 oz. Thanks for all my questions!

  5. I never used taco sauce before so I'm very excited in trying this recipe. I stumbled upon this great looking recipe and will definitely be making these for my older older. He works 12 hours a day each day so these would be perfect for him eating on the go! Quick question, you fry your potatoes in a little bit of oil on the stove. I don't want to overcook the potatoes but I also don't want to undercook them either. Do you think frying these potatoes in alot of oil would work? Or will they end up too crispy? Since raw potatoes sink to the bottom and when they're cooked, they float to the top. A good indicator that they're done. Thank you in advance!

  6. I fry mine until golden brown and crispy. So yes, using more oil works great as they will float to the top when done. These are great for on the go I'm sure your husband will love them!

  7. Are you using russet potatoes?
