Happy New Year!
My day started bright and early this morning with the baby waking up at 6:30 a.m., but that is okay, it's a new year! A fresh start on a somewhat busy, busy year for us.
We welcomed the birth of our third baby in May and I officially became a stay-at-home-mom after that. It has been fun, draining, fulfilling and hard all at the same time. I'm excited to see where 2015 {holy cow, is it really 2015?} takes us as a family.
As I look back on 2014, I also made some lip-smacking-good meals. I recently dug into the stats of this little blog and found out my Top 10 recipes from the year. Some were obvious and some were quite surprising {I didn't know you guys would get so excited about eggs inside of a tortilla}.
Enjoy this countdown and stay tuned as in a few days I'll be sharing a 2-Week Meal Plan with all of you. Just in time for the New Year! Get out your paper, pen and make this shopping list. You're family will thank you.
#4 - Crock Pot Maid-Rites
Which is your favorite?