I'm deviating from food a bit today {although I will mention it a bit}. For the past couple of weeks I've been thinking about the upcoming summer. I will have officially been a stay-at-home-mom for a year next month. What a year it's been!
Even though I was home last summer, it didn't quite feel like "summer" to me. I was feeding an infant every two hours and surviving on little sleep taking care of her older siblings. So, this summer actually feels real to me.
I'm excited! I'm ready for long days, park play dates, drinks on the back deck, t-ball games and yummy summer food.
I've been brainstorming some "bucket list" items that I want to accomplish this summer and have been scribbling them down when they come to mind. So here they are! BUT. Here is the big disclaimer. I am not going to be Hitler about this.
This list is just a list and only that. Has anyone ever had a list that got completely accomplished? If so, there aren't many. I'm going into this fully aware that I may only get seven of these "items" crossed off and I'm okay with that. I am not going to panic come August 15th looking at my list to see we still haven't made it to the zoo. Or that I only accomplished two sponsored blog posts over the summer versus the four I was shooting for.....I am not going to sweat this.
If I get through this list, well then, great! If I don't, I guess I'll try again next summer.
And it's okay to laugh at some of these. I'm a pretty simple person.
1. Visit our local Children's Museum three times. My brother and sister-in-law gave us a membership to this museum for Christmas. What an awesome gift. The kid's have a blast and they learn so much at the same time. Plus it's connected to a great mall {and a Target, hello!} with a nice food court so we can make it a full stop.
2. Shoot for three dates nights. Right now the husband and I are lucky to get one date night a quarter. His work schedule just makes it SO difficult. But, his schedule is changing {praise the Lord!} so I have high hopes this will become easier. I'm happy with a simple dinner out, but if we are lucky and can make it a night away or combine dinner with a ballgame or a party with friends, I'm happy with that.
3. Naps, at least three a week. Yes, you heard me right, I'm putting NAPS on my summer bucket list. There are days I'm running from 5:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m. with rarely sitting down. I get tired! I am not afraid to admit this. Some of my best naps come when I'm reading my book on the deck in the sun. I get about a chapter in and I'm OUT.
4. Play dates with friends at the park at least once a week. I have a great circles of friends I've made in this little town. And although they are not my best friends from my hometown and college that I miss dearly sometimes, they come in at a close second {I hope they don't take that as an insult}. We like to meet around 10 a.m., pack a nice lunch and then head back home just in time for the kid's naps.
5. Swim lessons for the two older kids. I'll admit it's been since last summer since they had them, but they still swim like fish whenever they are around water. BUT, I know they needs some touching up of the basics. We are lucky to have a great babysitter/next-door-neighbor who the kids love and she does great private lessons with them.
6. Visit our local zoo. For the past 3 years we keep saying we need to take the kids to the zoo {they've been, just not with us} and for whatever reason it just never happens. THIS IS THE SUMMER. Our 5 1/2 year old and 4 year old will love this and I have a sneaky suspicion that our soon to be one year old {what?} will squeal with delight.
7. Continue reading off my book list. I have an ongoing list of books that I want to read. I get most of my recommendations off of Instagram. Once someone I like to follow starts raving about a book, I write it down and promptly see if my library has it. Here are the next three on my list.
8. Have at least three GNO's. Girl's Night Out. I can come off as a somewhat quiet person, but once I get to know you and you get to know me I'm a bit loud, in your face and blunt {all in a good way}. One of my absolute favorite things in the world to do is to hang with my girls. I do not need anything fancy. Just give me a drink, some good food and a table to sit at....in my world that is perfection.
9. Have "school" time once a day. Our oldest will be entering Kindergarten in the Fall and our middle child will be in everyday morning preschool. They are both as smart as a whip and I want to make sure they keep up with their ABCs, counting, matching, coloring, etc. as the summer goes along. Does anyone know of any daily learning "tasks" out there that you can follow during the summer months? I'd love to hear them!
10. Continue with blog growth. I don't really have a way to measure this {other than via money}, but I want to continue blogging three times a week, seeking sponsorships and freelance opportunities and continue meeting other bloggers. We already have a great community, especially here in Iowa! And heck, summer is the best time for recipe development...we have SO much natural light.
I kept this list at 10, but I didn't even mention gardening, the farmer's market or my fitness goals. So many to chose from!
What is on your Summer Bucket List?
And here are three other great "bucket lists" from friends of mine. Hop on over to read their list!
I love that your bucket list is so concentrated on family and just having a good time!
ReplyDeleteI love that you put naps on your bucket list. I also love Niabi Zoo. My husband and I went all the time when we lived in the Quad Cities.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you are thinking summer already. We still have snow on the ground but summer will be here before we know it. And I need to start making a list of my own. I find I make lists for the kids, but not for me. And it's important to take time for us too. It's called survival! Thanks for the great inspiration Ally.
ReplyDeleteNice list, Ally. And Ha! I have a few on my list from last year that I will be adding to this year's list as we didn't finsih them. :D Naps. Love it. Maybe we will see you at the park and pool. We've got ball and swim lessons on the list too.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a fun and relaxing list perfect for enjoying the summer! Love that you included naps too!;)
ReplyDeleteYour summer is going to be the perfect mix of adventure and serenity (with three kids, yes, I know I just wrote that… :) ) I hope one afternoon includes a trip to Marion to hang!
ReplyDeleteUm, you forgot meeting up with me! Hannah and I will definitely have to road trip this summer to meet up with you! :D
ReplyDeleteLove the list! As for having some school time each day. I have a lot of things I've pinned on my "Learning Time" board on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/valplagge/learning-time/. We try to have an hour of school each day as well. Maybe some of my pins might jump start some ideas for you.