I'm so happy you have found my sweet corner of the internet. Let's have some fun! As a busy Mom of 3, I'm here to help you find the simplicity in cooking. I've already developed easy dinners, side dishes, breakfasts and desserts for you so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Use my recipes to feed your family!

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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Pizza Burgers

How about an old classic simple recipe today?
This one is so easy it's almost embarrassing.

pizza burgers (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

Last week I was all about simple, easy dinners.  It was just the kids and I and to be honest when dinner time rolled around I just wanted to click my heels together three times and wish it were bedtime.

But then came bath, and stories and pleads to not go to bed yet....but it's all good.  They are only young once, right?

These pizza burgers are an OLD family staple.  I remember my mom making them often.  I have no idea where the recipe came from {although, I'm sure upon reading this, she'll tell me}.  They are simple, easy and quite frankly kind of embarrassing to even share.

But people love 'em!

pizza burgers (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

I usually make a whole sleeve of these darn things, meaning one whole package of English muffins as the base, giving me 12 pizza burgers.  We never eat all of them in one sitting, yet eat them for lunch the next day and even sometimes dinner again the next night.  They heat up great in a toaster oven or even on low heat in the oven for a few minutes.

If you are wanting a super quick and fail-proof dinner for your family then you are in the right place! Make these soon, you won't be disappointed.

And don't balk at the ingredients.

I'm a busy mom.

Pizza Burgers

1 sleeve English muffins, split
1 lb. ground beef
1 c. pizza sauce {I use my homemade sauce}
4 oz. Velveeta or American cheese
mozzarella cheese for topping

1.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2.  In a skillet cook the ground beef until no longer pink and drain.
3.  Add the pizza sauce and cheese to the ground beef, stir and allow to melt.
4.  Top the halved English muffins with the meat mixture and bake for 10 minutes.  Top with mozzarella cheese and bake another 5 minutes until cheese is melted.

Do you have a family recipe that is so simple and easy you sometimes just take it for granted, until some one says THIS IS SO GOOD?

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  1. Easy and delicious! I wrapped in foil and took to the field to feed hungry farmers. They kept warm in a crockpot. I’ll definitely make again as there were non left and I doubled the recipe! 👍👍
