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I'm so happy you have found my sweet corner of the internet. Let's have some fun! As a busy Mom of 3, I'm here to help you find the simplicity in cooking. I've already developed easy dinners, side dishes, breakfasts and desserts for you so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Use my recipes to feed your family!

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Melted Ice Cream Hot Chocolate

Cozy on up with a hot mug of this cocoa and your day will get started on the right foot!

melted ice cream hot chocolate (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

So far, this "Fall" season has been pretty darn good to us.  Just this week I was wearing flip flops and enjoying seventy degree weather.

The pattern went a bit like this....a couple days of warm weather, one rainy, cold, wet day, then another few warm days, then a couple chilly, windy days.  It's been a bit up and down. Which is all fun and good when you have those warm days thrown in, but also a bit of pain as you never know what to wear out the door.

I know our time is coming.  It won't be long before the snow will be stacked up outside and I'll be clawing at the walls of my house trying to get out.  So, I'm desperately trying to enjoy every last little bit of this Indian summer we are having.

On one of those cold and wet days {when I still keep the windows open and freeze my buns off just because I cannot GIVE UP my fresh air}, I made this cocoa.

Because if a hot mug of whatever is in your hands, I truly feel it warms your body up in a heartbeat.

melted ice cream hot chocolate (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

I had talked about using melted ice cream in two previous recipes a couple weeks back {have you tried the Iowa Pumpkin Sheet Cake yet?  Or the Chewy Pumpkin Chip Cookies?} and since I still had some in my fridge....I did it again.

In my head I figured if it was MELTED and non-noticeable in whatever I was making, then I wasn't really eating ice cream.  Right?

Makes total sense to me.

The day I made this, the older two kids had been at each other's throats all day long and frankly I was over it.  The husband took them outside and made them start running sprints from one side of the yard to the other.

Guess who was getting along after about sprint 10?

But being a mom with a heart, I made them this hot chocolate for when they came in.  It was drizzly and pretty chilly out and since they looked like drowned rats coming in, I figured a little pick-me-up wouldn't hurt them.

They like what I offered.

This cocoa is thick, creamy, rich and sinful.  Since I used a ice cream with some fall flavors in it, it was also a bit cinnamon-y.  But, certainly feel free to use whatever ice cream you have on hand. Mint chip would be awesome, even a plain jane vanilla or chocolate.

Remember if it's melted, you're not 'technically' eating it.

Melted Ice Cream Hot Chocolate

1 1/2 c. whole milk
1 c. ice cream
1/4 c. powdered sugar
1/4 c. cocoa powder
pinch of salt

1.  In a saucepan combine all ingredients over low to medium heat, whisking to combine.
2.  Continue to whisk until all ingredients are dissolved and the cocoa is hot.
3.  Serve warm, makes 4 cups of cocoa.

melted ice cream hot chocolate (sweetandsavoryfood.com)

Still struggling with what to make or bring to Thanksgiving?  You're in luck.  I have a round-up of 50+ Thanksgiving Side Dishes going a bit bonkers on the blog.  Give it a gander and pick out your dish!

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