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Thursday, September 2, 2021

20 Apple Desserts (all from Iowa food bloggers)

It's September so that means apple season!
Here are 20 fun desserts from Iowa food bloggers.

20 Apple Desserts (all from Iowa food bloggers)

I love apple season. Here in the Midwest it starts in mid-August and ends in late October, usually just before we get dumped on by an early snow.

Some of my best memories of when the kids were little was tagging along on their annual preschool field trip to our local apple orchard. We picked {and sweated} and swatted at bugs, then went inside to their lodge to down a cold apple cider slushy and take some apple turnover or cider donuts home for treats later in the week. If you've never been to an apple orchard I highly recommend it!

A couple weeks back I asked some of my great Iowa {friends} and food bloggers to send me their favorite and most popular apple dessert recipes. They were happy to entertain me. This list is so fun and so tasty!

Take some time to browse through this fun list and pick one to try! I can't wait to hear which one it is....the pancakes? The monkey bread? The dumplings? The pie? There are so many to choose from.

20 Apple Desserts (all from Iowa food bloggers)

20 Apple Desserts (all from Iowa food bloggers)

20 Apple Desserts (all from Iowa food bloggers)

20 Apple Desserts (all from Iowa food bloggers)

20 Apple Desserts (all from Iowa food bloggers)

20 Apple Desserts (all from Iowa food bloggers)

20 Apple Desserts (all from Iowa food bloggers)

20 Apple Desserts (all from Iowa food bloggers)

How about THAT list?

It's a great variety of sweet, fresh apple desserts. Whether you want pie or cookies or cake, it's here! Even a fun iced tea and a couple homemade {healthy} applesauces to round it all out.

Please share this apple recipe round-up with anyone in your life that loves Autumn as much as I do. Let's all bake together.

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