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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Home Office Makeover with Wayfair (sponsored)

We built and moved into a brand new house this year and from the beginning stages of planning I knew that I wanted a home office. I'm finally unveiling my home office makeover!

This post is sponsored by Wayfair, but all opinions are my own.

Collage of home office with white desk, green chair and wall art.

If you have followed me for any amount of time then you have seen our family move into a new house this year and make it our own. Previously we lived 12 years in a 900 square foot home. Yes, you read that right! Five people and one dog in a very tight space.

In December of 2020 we purchased a lot to build a home on and then FINALLY in May of 2022 we moved in. It was a long process (for me, who is impatient), but in the end it was well worth the wait. We now have more space and areas of the house that we put a lot of thought into, making it work just right for our family.

As a long time food blogger it was only natural that I'd have a nice kitchen - and I did get that! You can see a short tour of my kitchen HERE. But after my kitchen I've always wanted a dedicated home office. For years I've been working on our couch, at the dining room table or any other random spot I could find. I felt like all of our important papers, my supplies and my cookbooks were spread in different areas of the house.

To say it simply, I felt very unorganized.

So when planning for our home (which isn't huge, just 1800 square feet), I made it a priority to squeeze in a home office area - and some may be surprised where I put it - in our bedroom! We created a fun little "nook" that houses ALL of my stuff.

Side view of home office desk, laptop, chair.

I asked Wayfair to join me in this project as we have LONG been friends over the years. They jumped on board immediately! Wayfair is a great place to find furniture for any room, decorative pieces, kitchen appliances, lawn furniture, bathroom necessities and so much more.

It was a TON of fun scrolling their pages looking for the perfect office pieces. I knew I needed a statement desk and chair - that was my priority. Every person who works from home needs a place that is comfortable and efficient and I have no doubt (after using this set up for a couple months) that I found the best pieces.

And since I'm a girl - I wanted something that was pretty too!

Aerial view of home office desk.

In the end I chose this Alcibiades Desk in white and this Innayah Desk Chair in this beautiful green. I wanted both something classic (in this desk) and a statement piece in color (like this chair). The pop of color this chair gives my office is my absolute favorite!

The Alcibiades Desk is a basic writing desk with a flat surface and two big pull out drawers for keeping all your papers and need-to-reach items right in front of you. But, my absolute favorite part of the desk are her statement spindle legs. They give the desk just enough flare.

When it came to picking a desk chair, yes I wanted something pretty, but let's be honest - it also needs to be comfortable. Who wants to sit on an uncomfortable chair? Not me! This Innayah Desk Chair has exceeded my expectations. It is incredibly comfortable. I also love that you can adjust the height and it spins! It's easy to move around in my carpeted office.

White bookshelves in new home office.

During the home build I also asked our contractor to install floor to ceiling shelving on either side of my desk, or "nook". I wanted a place to showcase some treasures and also house some essential home office items like my printer, my book collection and other baskets to house important papers and such. So on each side of my desk I have five shelves to keep all the things!

These bookshelves I like to think show my personality a bit. Here I house my favorite cookbooks (including the meal planner I wrote in 2019) and then other items that just make me happy - coffee mugs, decorative pillows, cute signs and plants.

What I love about this area is that it never has to be set in stone. I can change up these shelves however I want, when I want!

Side view of wall art in home office.

And since my home office opens up to our master bedroom I felt I needed some staple pieces on the back wall that people immediately see upon walking in - two of them coming from Wayfair!

I instantly fell in love with the Trinx Work From Home Canvas that says "Office Sweet Office" - mimicking the phrase "Home Sweet Home". It made sense! I want my office to feel like home, so this sign naturally fit. Coming in a gold or grey frame I choose the gold to match the rest of my homes interiors.

And since sitting at my desk I've had a few times where I wanted to pin an important note to something so it wouldn't get lost, but I had nothing to tack it to - so I found this cute little Floral Wall Mounted Corkboard. It's perfect for appointment cards!

I love how this wall came together - I feel like it fits my personality!

Front home office view of white desk, green chair and wall art.

So here's to making a space in your home yours!

Have you dreamt of a home office like me? Obviously my kitchen is my first office, but there is a lot of behind the scenes magic that involves my computer to make those food photos and words POP!

Now I finally have a spot to dream, write, get organized and sometimes (crash) to get all my work done. Take a peak at what I purchased from Wayfair - maybe it will work for your home office too!

Collage of home office with white desk, green chair and wall art.

Thank you to Wayfair for sponsoring this Home Office Makeover post!

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  1. It looks amazing and so well-organized. Wayfair really has a great choice for creating a functional and stylish workspace. For anyone looking to compare options, contacting stores like At Home via their at home phone number could be helpful to find more ideas. A comfortable and efficient office setup can make such a difference for productivity. This makeover is truly inspiring!

  2. Very good idea indeed. If I worked in the office, this is exactly what I would do. Since my office is at home, I'd rather read about HDBs because when you rent property, your price will much depend on the condition you discuss. When you sign an agreement, it will be a bit too late to change it, don't you think?
